Class Descriptions

We offer ballet-inspired workouts that range from beginning to “bodacious.” Multi-level and progressive, each set of exercises provides options for the beginner to the more advanced barre enthusiast. Our workouts improve posture, breathing, flexibility and more.


Brilliant Barre Fitness

Brilliant Barre Fitness offers multi level progressive workouts that range from Basic Brilliant Barre to Bodacious Brilliant Barre. What makes this barre workout so brilliant is that classes fit the goals and ability levels of its participants. Each set of exercises provides options for the beginner to the more advanced barre enthusiast. Effective, yet safe, the low impact techniques provide ongoing challenge.

Basic Brilliant Barre

Basic Brilliant Barre is a total body workout that works each major muscle group, followed by stretches to lengthen and tone those same muscles. Certain exercises use light hand weights for additional challenge. The options provided accommodate new attendees, as well as physical limitations. Participants often comment that they feel taller afterward, and some say the stretching is their favorite part. Many comment on various improvements in posture, flexibility, and muscle tone.


Brilliant Booty Camp

Brilliant Booty Camp is for those interested in stepping up their workout, or preparing for a special event, this is it! Alongside a rigorous full hour workout designed to improve the bottom line in six weeks, for an additional fee, nutrition and fitness assessments enable the participant to measure their results.